Giving Thanks and Being Fabulous

I wouldn't say that I'm in the habit of giving thanks on this blog, but I do often try to acknowledge thanks where appropriate. Last year, around Thanksgiving, I wrote a post on giving thanks and since then, I've written two other public thank you notes. One was a letter to the editor and the other was a dedication on this blog of people who have been so helpful in getting me to finish my first marathon. Those who know me, know that I am generally a positive person with a very sunny disposition. I am rarely in a bad mood and if I do find myself in a darker mood without an extremely good reason, I can pretty quickly transcend it. But what does the sunny disposition have to do with being thankful? The sunny disposition comes from being thankful on a very deep level. Whenever people ask the obligatory question, "How are you?" I often answer with a "Fantastic!" or "Fabulous!" That isn't just the automatic response that we all hav...