Of Bunnies and Logos: The Playboy Icon
My Informational Design and Visual Literacy course provided me with a challenge this week to explore and discuss a company's logo. Basically, to break it down and explore how it captures the company's message and purpose. After aimlessly googling company logos trying to find inspiration, I randomly thought of the Playboy logo and what follows is what I wrote. I should warn you that several people who read an excerpt on Facebook said they wouldn't be able to look at the logo the same again. So enjoy! There's lot to cover with this logo and the more I think about it, the more ingenious I find Playboy to be with their logo. This logo conveys much without actually saying anything formal and much of what it suggests is more risque without having to be blatantly raunchy--something that Playboy aspires to over other entities like Hustler and the like. Playboy is a multimedia empire that largely caters to men’s sexual interests. What started initially as a...