Year #3: Junes No More
And we're done. No more June sessions (at least required ones). While I can believe it's done, I'm still awed by the fact that it's done. The June sessions are hard. They get easier in some ways (you know what to expect, you know what you can get away with, you know that it will be over soon). But yeah, they are substantially challenging. This June was harder than the first June in some ways but also easier. It was easier because there was an ease within the cohort, we're all familiar and comfortable now. This extended to the faculty as well as we could more easily joke and be at ease with things we could not complete on time or challenges and obstacles we ran into. It was harder because it demanded more from us in original thought. That is, in the first June session, you're delving into the foundations of higher education as a discipline; you're trying to understand the 30,000-foot view and how it all works (or doesn't). In this June sessi