
Showing posts from August, 2022

The Updates #4

Estimated Reading Time: 9 minutes In this 4th update, I think I am getting the hang of this and may be able to hold onto it.  Thanks for folks who have reached out and mentioned they appreciate the updates. I'm finding it a really good reflective practice for the week. Dissertation One of the garden sunflowers I had the final pilot interview and it went well.  I think I'm getting the hang of interviewing.  The next stop is getting feedback from one of my committee members who is a specialist in the methodology (phenomenography).  Having done these three, I can really see the value in the method and thinking about how collectively the experiences of the participants could help to unearth the structural relationships with the phenomenon.  Meanwhile, while folks have been elated or having conniptions about some loan forgiveness, the White House also dropped this news about pushing for more open access research funded by taxpayer dollars . While there's much to be f...

The Updates #3

Estimated Reading Time: 9 minutes Well, I've made it three weeks so at least I'm getting in a rhythm (though saying it now, can almost guarantee that I'll drop it in week 4, right? Dissertation A doggie I met this week (more about the encounter below) I did my first two pilot interviews and they went well.  By went well, I mean that I feel like I'm getting a stronger understanding of the methodology and how to interview participants well within the framework of the methodology.  It was also interesting to see how the interviews went from the perspective of data; even though it's not data that I'll be using, I was glad to see the kinds of answers and thoughts arise that reflected experiences and deeper meanings that participants connect with their usage of academic pirate platforms.  An exciting week for sure and next week, I have my final pilot because I start up the full call for participants. Work The semester starts the day this post goes live (Monday, August...

The Updates #2

Estimated Reading Time: 8 minutes Ok, week 2 of updates. I think I might be able to possibly keep up with this (did I couch that in enough suggestive language?).   Dissertation My two pilot interviews this week got postponed.  But I did meet with one of my committee members to do a practice interview.  She interviewed me using my protocol.  She's the methodology expert and I am so grateful I had the opportunity to be on the opposite side with such an experienced phenomenographer.  I can't imagine how much I would have missed had I not gotten to be interviewed by her and observe the different techniques.  This upcoming week is two of the pilots; so let's hope I'm ready. Bear was in need of my attention for cuddles or a treat or both? Work Work is in full gear and I feel like my mind is never far from it right now.  It makes sense, a learning management system transition and the start of a new semester, which is technically my first start of the yea...

The Updates #1

Estimated Reading Time: 6.5 minutes So, it's been a month since my last blog post.  Gaaahhhh!  It's not the first time there has been a gap like this but my momentum has been fully consumed with a great many things of late (see below).  So, I think for the next few months, I'm going to *try* a weekly update about several categories of things going on in my life and see how this goes and throw in photo I took this week to boot! I've got TONS of other posts to write but haven't been able to get myself back into a rhythm.  Maybe this will help spur me along! From the Photo Stream: Potato Plants Dying Dissertation :  It's been 2.5 years since I did an update on my dissertation .  No job!  I'm still at it and making actual progress (yay!).  The Ph.D. Chronicles need a deep update at some point .  But the bare bones update?  I finally finished chapters 1-3 last winter and assembled my dissertation committee. I defended my dissertation proposal...