Supporting the Adjunct Addiction
I don’t want to call it an addiction; because honestly, I can walk away whenever I want. But I realized that to support my predilection for adjuncting full time, I’ve assembled a range of jobs that help me keep doing what I enjoy. In other words, I have jobs that help support my full-time job. Granted, I’m not in the stuck in the situation of those full-time Wal-Mart employees who still qualify discounted state-funded healthcare, but I do find that in order to keep everything flowing smoothly, I hold onto several other jobs and am constantly keeping an eye on potential jobs to fill the gaps (for both current teaching and non-teaching gigs). But really, I can walk away whenever I want. In total, I am employed by 10 places (5 colleges; 1 residential program, 4 publications). Over several years, I’ve synergized my various skills, interests, and goals so that my jobs overlap or help one another. For instance, some of my writing includes revi...