No School: Sweet!
Ok, I'll admit it. I'm slightly giddy at the cancellation of school tomorrow due to " Frankenstorm " hitting the US's northeast's coast throughout tomorrow. I'm happy to have the day off but also highly intrigued by the discussing, obsessing, and goofiness of it all. From the naming of Hurricane Sandy as Frankenstorm ( check out the Wikipedia entry ) to the continually updates people have received in the 24+ news cycle and the various posts on Facebook and Twitter ( #HurricaneSandy and #Frankenstorm ), you pretty much have to live in a bubble to not to have heard about it or been threatened by it. The current trend I'm seeing is people posting photos of grocery stores being completely emptied out because of the forthcoming storm ( such as this one ). In similar capacity to what I saw with the great earthquake of New England , I decided to create a facebook page in a similar fashion called: Thanks Sandy The Frankenstorm, I Don't Have School...