
Showing posts from February, 2011

Of Names and Covers

So many of you know, I’m vegetarian; which may make what I’m about to do seem kind of strange, but bear with me.  Of late, I was reviewing the audio version of the book, The Veganist:  Lose Weight, Get Healthy, and Change the World by Kathy Freston.  It is a book about, well, veganism.  I will try (unsuccessfully, no doubt) to avoid commenting on the book’s content; that is a post (actually several posts—see, there I go again) for another time.  My focus right now is simply on the cover and its presentation.  I'm having trouble swallowing this cover.  Or rather, I'm feeling messages coming from this cover are problematic.    The iconography of the cover is problematic.  Here is a blonde-hair, green-eyed fashionable woman serving me (the presumable purchaser of the book), aq beautiful, but largely hard to decipher play of food.  She's clearly in a kitchen or some room connected to the kitchen.  Taken together, here is our way to "lose weight, get healthy, chang

Freeway Flyer Blog: Semester Success Story

It began with my Contemporary Affairs teacher in high school.  He was a copier.  His classroom and office were fire-hazards filled with 3-4 foot tall stacks of photocopied articles that he would share with his students.  In all of his classes, no one would escape a minimum of 5 handouts a class (there was no textbook; just handouts).  By the end of the year, I had hundreds of interesting articles.  But let’s face it, that approach is not sustainable and time consuming.  But with that in mind, last spring, I started up a blog that I would use for teaching. For the rest of this article, check out: Adjunct Nation's Freeway Flyer . Did you enjoy this read? Let me know your thoughts down below or feel free to browse around and  check out some of my other posts! . You might also want to keep up to date with my blog by  signing up for them via email. This work is licensed under a  Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License .