These Are The Gun Arguments That Are Bunk
Given the mass gun shootings of the last year and in the last decade, the discussion around guns continues to circle around without actual meaning or purpose. Over the course of conversations with people, I find myself getting to the point where I start to roll my eyeballs when I hear certain faux-arguments. To be clear--not just because I feel obligated to say it or else be disregarded as a "anti-gun" person and because I actually do believe it--I do believe people should have the right to reasonably arm and protect themselves including guns from realistic and recognizable threats. I go back and forth about owning a gun myself--not because of any ethical issues about ownership or protecting myself but because that would also entail proper care of the weapon and regular practicing with it (which for those who know me, know that I already do a billion things--adding to the mix can be challenging). That is, if I were to be a gun-owner, I would want to make sure I could be