What's In a Name? What's In a Life?

Estimated Reading Time: 6 minutes I've never met someone else named Lance before or maybe just once. I've met a Lane but not a Lance. I used to hate my name growing up: Lance Eaton. It was mana for the folks who wanted to tease and make fun of others (to be clear; I certainly also participated in this because many who are bullied, bully, alas). But there were many refranes that I heard throughout my childhood: Lance does a dance in his underpants all the way to France. And of course, I get sent this meme at least once every other month: However, one thing that's interesting in the digital age is the overwhelming awareness of the uniqueness of my name. There are only a few Lance Eatons out there. I've come across Lance Eatons who are a financial account , a realtor , someone serving time , a supposed chiropracto r (the only evidence is his Instagram account--hmmm?) and a mayor . There's also apparently an actor who was in like 4 thing s . S...