Review: The Power of Regret: How Looking Backward Moves Us Forward
The Power of Regret: How Looking Backward Moves Us Forward by Daniel H. Pink My rating: 4 of 5 stars We live in a culture that tells us we should have "no regrets"; we should be forward-looking, forget the past, and charge into the future, never pause to linger on mistakes we've made, opportunities we've missed, or considering how our life might have been different. We'd be silly to be George Bailey of It's A Wonderful Life (of course, then, we'd also be dead and not able to regret or learn from our regrets). That's the picture that Pink paints in his opening chapters as a means of justifying his book to explore regret. How truly the average person ignores engaging in regret seems to still be up for question but Pink might frame it as a "no regret" epidemic. If that opening sounds overly critical of the book, it probably is but that's because largely what Pink is offering is not the power of ...