The Updates #28

Estimated Reading Time: 17 minutes Week 28 of the updates and life is bussssssy! Dissertation Very slow progress but hopefully that ends this week as I finish grand jury duty. 124 days until July 1 (goalposts moved from June 1 to July 1 for realistic expectations). Happy to Chat Bench Work I did a webinar for NERCOMP about ChatGPT and AI-generative tools with an audience of over 170 people which is one of the bigger crowds I've talked to in my work. I circled back and made a video recording for folks that want to learn about what I covered here: AI Generative Tools and Teach - A Look at the Landscape (35:20 minutes). I also did a talk for the Rhode Island Career Development Association and then recorded it: ChatGPT, AI Generative Tools and Your Career: Parallels, Possibilities, and Problems (27:40 minutes). So, my class is winding down, and I'm excited about that. It's been really interesting to work with the students over the last 8 weeks. As we learned a...