Other Publications: Tricky Interfacing or Tricking Interfaces
Estimated Reading Time: 1.5 minutes Image Source: PxHere I recently was asked to write an article about "the future of education" (yes, you should hear an echo with that and decided to slightly avoid a straight on answer, because I find such pieced challenging for many reasons. So I went with something a little different with Tricky Interfacing or Tricking Interfaces: Learning How To Navigate the Robot Gatekeepers . Also, if you are looking for tips and ideas about your career, the Professional Development Collaborative is a great resource to check out in general. Here is an excerpt: " Anticipating the future of professional education is a fun game. It never fails to provide clues that skills training is going to keep evolving in dramatic ways. So we might have figured out that by 2020 everyone would have a tablet empowered with a personalized learning environment to guide people to new knowledge, skills, and of course, inco...