Short Story #365: Red Bonnet by Lindsay Patterson
Title: Red Bonnet Author: Lindsay Patterson Summary The neighborhood is shocked when Granma Jo gets up and walks one day. The narrator witnesses this and so do others but Granma Jo's daughter and her husband find the story completely unlikely. Despite the narrator's insistence, the daughter disregards and is angered by the suggestion. More people witness this and bring this to the daughter but since she never sees it, she continues to insist that everyone is lying. After trying to get her to walk in front of the daughter, people soon give up and things go back to normal for a while. One day in August, the narrator finds Granma Jo is up and moving about, ready to go to town. The narrator walks with her through the heat and they perform some tasks in town. When it is time to go, they get onto a bus and then Granma Jo's give out on her and she tries to sit in the front row. The bus driver throws them off when they refuse...