Review: Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I was a big fan of Pinker's previous book, The Better Nature of Our Angels that he wrote several years ago. I found it to be a relieving exploration into the world today and better understanding the myth of violence that is ever-present in news and political rhetoric about the world today. Thus, his follow up where he continues to make that argument by connecting it to the present-day issues and concerns that dominate discussions across many different places is appreciated and useful in gaining perspective. He moves through dozens of chapters taken on different issues and leveling the known research available while connecting the issues with the larger picture or with other concepts and research that can prove...well..enlightening. At the core of his argument is one that is similar to Kurt Anderson's in Fantasyland, that through the lens and application of evidence-based research that there has been great progress, but that doesn't mean there isn't setbacks or that because there has been progress that there will continue to be progress. Pinker makes clear that the progress that has been made can only continue to be made if we push to make the world better rather than offering up apocalyptic news headlines and pundits that it's all going wrong. It's definitely worth the read if you want to get a bigger worldview and understanding of the ways in which your own assumptions about progress can be challenged.
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