Review: The Best of Stanley G. Weinbaum

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Weinbaum has come up on my radar a couple times over the years, often described as an early light in sci-fi, extinguished all too soon. This collection has most of his popular works (maybe all of them?) since he was only active a few years before passing away. The anthology is a nifty collection of stories from the 1930s that seem more forward-looking than others of the time. The writing is solid--not amazing, but Weinbaum can tell a tale and create a realistic future science-fiction world at that. The tales are largely about exploration and establishing life on Venus, Mars, and moons of Jupiter, including tales of first encounters, hazardous environments, and space bandits. Other stories raise questions about time travel and the like. It's a broad range of what we think of when we think of science-fiction. The order of the stories collected is unclear because some stories are clearly connected, featuring the same characters later on, but they are spread throughout the book rather than following one another. Definitely a good read for science-fiction fans looking to get a look at early sci-fi from a contemporary of Asimov, Bradbury, and Clarke. For those looking to explore science-fiction in general, Weinbaum's collection is a good first volley into it.
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