Goals Check-In 2017: 4 Month Mark
March 1 marks the 2-month point into the year and rather than wait until next year to think about my progress (or digress?) from my yearly goals, I thought I'd take a gander at where I am today. I put forward a good amount of goals for 2017 and well, I'm middle of the ground on progress on some of them and others, not as much. 2016 was a decent year in goal-setting and achieving and I'm hoping this year I will be able to do better. So let's do the run down:
I recapped where I was 2 months ago. Now, let's see if where there's been progress:
Complete a Triathlon
We'll see how this plays out. I haven't been swimming in months because of other demands and just getting out of the habit. However, I think as we get to the summer and I'm in a new routine, I still plan to pull one off in August or September. I'll definitely do one, I would just prefer to do one that I'm maximally prepared for.15000 a day
120 days and counting. There have been a few days where it didn't look like I was going to do it, but managed to hit that 15K mark, if only by a few steps before plopping into bed..15 more pounds
I'm getting a better sense of some of the things that set me up for failure and trying to adjust for that. Between having people keeping check on me, I'm also understanding will-power a bit more through a book that I'm reading (ok, listening to) and I feel that it will lead me to be better with the eating.Stay on Target for Running
March was an ok month for running. Again, I got hit with a cold and that put me back but April was solid for running, getting back above the 90-mile mark (1.5 miles short of 100) for running and doing 6-mile runs that were 9-minute miles consistently. I'm back in good running shape so I think whatever I take on this year, I'll be in fine shape to do so.Complete the Book
Progress here is definitely not happening. Hopefully, by the time you're reading this though, I will have started a strategy to more effectively work on this so that I'll have more to report on in the ensuing months.Less Mindlessness
This one I can say I'm doing much better with at least when it comes to social media. I haven't set myself to a limited time but I am not going there as much and focusing on other things that I need to accomplish. In general, I'm trying to do more check-ins with myself to see that I am in fact paying attention to what I am doing.Focus on the Breath
It's still not daily but I am taking time to let the breath work through me and allow myself to settle. I certainly have five million directions that are pulling at me. Yet, I am increasingly breathing through the intensity and letting things go.Figure Out My Dissertation
If you want to find out where I am with my dissertation, you can check out my latest dissertation journaling post. I feel I've got a good direction and from discussions with faculty thus far, they seem to think I've got a good area to explore, not I've just got to drill down.More Politically Active
Here's another one that I'm grappling with. I continue to do small stuff but have felt limited between my work, commute, school, demands that it doesn't feel like enough. I'm hoping I'll be able to get in some more activities as this semester ends.So that's the goals and my progress. It feels like I'm in the right place with many things. What about the rest of you? Any New Year's Resolutions or goals that you're working towards? What kind of progress (or otherwise) are you making towards them? What do you feel needs to be in place to achieve them?
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