Reflections from Changing Lives Through Literature
In my two most recent sessions of Changing Lives Through Literature, I decided to have the participants do a reflection that I often do in my college courses that I teach. On the last meeting, I asked all the participants to write a letter to themselves. However, this wasn't a letter to their present self--but to the person they were months prior on our first meeting. It's an interesting experience to watch participants struggle through this question and think about the ways they have (or haven't) connected with what's gone on in the course. I also asked them to indicate if they would allow me to share out their letters (anonymously) to show other people their experiences. While I will share them here in this blog post for others to read and appreciate, my favorite use of them is to show them to the participants in the next group as they get to hear from people at the other end at the very beginning.
It's a great exercise in coming full circle and feel free to use it with your group or in any other context.
In reading the responses, I was so impressed with some of the different ways people embraced the experience and also in how they wanted to emphasize that change to themselves. It's a pretty strong reward as a facilitator to seen the participants being such strong advocates.
Participant #1
Hey, what's up!
You are going to enjoy it. You need to be open to change. You can't judge a book by its cover. The stories need to be given a chance. Don't be afraid and give them a chance. I found myself reading the stories two or three times and learning a new thing every reread. Enjoy it! It is not like school. Plus you get $150 remitted off your fees. Best of luck!
Participant #2
Dear Me
Hey man, how's life? I just want to write to you to give you some advice about this course that I've taken. It's called Changing Lives Through Literature. It's a great class. I have learned so many different skills in reading with the different stories and how to compare it to you and how it compares in life. I will say, this class will give you a brand new view in life, like people have to go through different obstacles just to get through or not get through the situation. I will say, this class will change your life.
Participant #3
Before class I was too quick to judge by not thinking before I acted. Things just kind of ran together in my mind without though. Over the course of the program, I realized a lot if I just thought things out. The structure of the program also helped me think in a way where I can put things together a lot better in my head and my life has improved for the better. If this was offered to me earlier on in life, things would have been different dramatically. It will definitely last a lifetime with decision making.
Participant #4
As I write this it is too late for me but maybe not for you. Be aware of the various opinions and observations of the others in the class are not how you experienced the stories. They all saw and felt something different. They had and saw different things.
I was frustrated and wondered are they all blind or just different people who see and feel differently. Does everyone experience everything so differently?
Participant #5
There are benefits to this class aside from the reduced probation time and fees. Be sure to read each selection well in advance and be sure to reflect on the stories before class. Think about how the different literary tools are used so you have plenty of points to bring up during the weekly discussions.
Participant #6
Please be as open-minded as you possibly can and consider where you yourself have been before placing judgment on things or people. You can change and you can better yourself. Even if it's small steps you take to progress towards chance, you are being pro-active in what you need to do.
Also and finally, advocate for yourself and ask for the help and resources if you need it. Stay positive!
Participant #7
Dear Self,
This course is very helpful to be a part of. It will help being in a group and sharing your thoughts with others as you discuss the readings assigned. It will be fun to share in conversation about the readings and find others' opinions and ideas. It will also help to open your mind through different characters in the stories and see through their struggles. It will help you be more mindful about the days of your life as you move forward.
Participant #8
Don't be so nervous and scared to be around new people. It won't be as difficult as you may be thinking - stop thinking that everyone will judge you on what you have to say. Realize what a great feeling it will be on your last day of class that you actually did it and followed through with a commitment.
Participant #9
Dear Me,
While recovering and thinking back on these 12 weeks of "Changing Lives Through Literature" I feel like a new individual. This class is liberating, fun, and challenging but worth it all. Please try hard and read twice, think deeper into the text; why and where and how are great questions to ask no matter what text, story or novel you are reading. Try to have an open mind and enjoy. I DID! XOXO
Participant #10
Dear Self,
Please come into this with a completely open mind. That everything you know--everything you think you know best about--leave it at the door. Be prepared to explore things about yourself you don't know anything about. Be prepared to not always be right or that your opinion or ideas are not always right or the only way. Be kind and generous to everyone you experiencing the adventure with. That even when you think you are not able to relate to some of the stories or that they are so farfetched from who you are or what you have lived--changes are you haven't looked deep enough at yourself - so be open and willing to listen and learn from the stories and everyone in the class.
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