Photo Reflection of the Day #245: Final Race of the Year

What Is It
My race number for The Wild Turkey 5 Mile Run in Salem on Thanksgiving morning.Why It's today's Pick
I've run the Wild Turkey Run a few times since picking up running. It's a fun and giant race that many people partake in before going off to feast for the day. Given that I didn't end up doing nearly as many races as I have in the past because of time, money, and injury, I wanted to do one last solid race. My last race (a half-marathon in which I destroyed my previous timing and finally broke two hours) was pretty motivating and inspiring for me to try again. So I decided I would run this race hard and see where it put me. I did pretty well for myself. I ran the race in 42:15, which means I averaged 8:27 miles. This proved to be a personal record by far with previous 5 mile races being somewhere around 45 minutes or longer. So that's 2 races in a row with personal bests--I'll take it!This submission is part of the 365 Challenge. For 2015's submissions, check out this link to all the posts. For access to all photos, which open for reuse under a Creative Commons License, check out the full album on Flickr.
By Any Other Nerd Blog by Lance Eaton is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
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