Photo Reflection of the Day #243: Me, Chopin & CLTL

What Is It
The book cover to The Awakening and Selected Stories of Kate Chopin.Why It's today's Pick
I just finished another section of Changing Lives Through Literature (which I've discussed before). This section was an all-women's group and the Monday before Thanksgiving, we had our final class and graduation. For the last two weeks of the program, we read a novel and like the year before with the women's group, I went with Chopin's The Awakening as it always generates a good deal of discussion and debate. The participants had much to say and comment about the novel and that's always a sign of a good pick. I always appreciate the richness of ideas and thought that the group brings to discussions throughout the program as they often change and influence how I understand the works explored, even though I've read some of these works dozens of times.This submission is part of the 365 Challenge. For 2015's submissions, check out this link to all the posts. For access to all photos, which open for reuse under a Creative Commons License, check out the full album on Flickr.
By Any Other Nerd Blog by Lance Eaton is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
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