Photo Reflection of the Day #172: The Wolves at Wolf Hollow

What Is It
A wolf looking in my direction from behind a fence.Why It's Today's Pick
Clearly, these are not the white wolves from Game of Thrones but they are pretty cool regardless. Chris and I went to Wolf Hollow this weekend and we're very glad we did. It's a wolf refuge where they keep wolves in captivity and create a space for people to learn about and get familiar with wolves. It was a great demonstration and fascinating to see the humans and wolves interact so playfully. The wolf pack that were there were pretty engaging with one another and when humans entered the enclosed space, they were met with sniffs and nuzzles. We definitely were thinking about a pet wolf by the time we left, but managed to talk ourselves out of it. If you are looking to spend two hours, it's a pretty great deal--$7 per person and a chance to learn about these pretty bad-ass creatures.This submission is part of the 365 Challenge. For 2015's submissions, check out this link to all the posts. For access to all photos, which open for reuse under a Creative Commons License, check out the full album on Flickr.
By Any Other Nerd Blog by Lance Eaton is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
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