Short Story #130: Love in Haste by Andre Obey
Title: Love in Haste
Author: Andre Obey

Told like a fairy tale where we get "a man and woman" with no names, the story captured well the sentiment of a love or romantic or lustful relationship that is doomed to fail. That they move forward with it anyways is something all too common, though not necessarily tragic. The story condenses well the full experience and the scene when the man and woman are in the woods is fascinating. The mere phrase "It will soon be winter" hints at both the demise of the relationship and the demise of the older woman.Short Story #130 out of 365
Rating: 3 (out of 5 stars)
Date Read: 5/7/2014
Source: Great French Short Stories edited by M. E. Speare. The World Publishing Company, 1943. You can find this story and others in this anthology at this resource.
For a full listing of all the short stories in this series, check out the category 365 Short Stories a year.
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