Recent Post on LETS Blog: Professional Day Part 3
The final entry on 2012 NSCC Profession Day’s workshop on social media and higher education (Check out Part 1, Part 2, and the Workshop Resources) focuses on a few fun insights and questions that came up in the discussion.
For the full article, click through here!
1. The Type of Social Media Invokes a Particular Culture of Performance
This was an interesting conclusion that I had not full thought about before, but makes absolutely sense with the online environment. Just as there are places where we can be “ourselves” and places where we must be “professional” and places that blur the lines, social media has its equivalent. Facebook still remains a place that swivels from personal to professional depending on who is using it (and how they choose to use it). We may not like what others are posting, but we know that their “Facebook” but it’s their space to do with as they please. By contrast, invokes a different sense of etiquette and behavior. As an arena for recruiting and networking, the interactions and connection people make are more professional. There is less likelihood for chatting in the casual way we find on Facebook. I’ve witnessed this first hand with former students who contact me via LinkedIn (formal, polite, and articulate) in contrast to those who have contacted me in some capacity on Facebook (informal, emoticons, and slang).For the full article, click through here!
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